How I wish I can take so many nice pictures like you. Being tied with work and house chores make the wish fulfill only during holidays..Penarik is where exactly?
agree with u FJL..i'm also doing this at weekend holidays with my family only..i'm just doing it alone and never do some outing with others because of my busy work...
...actually Penarik one of 'fisherman village' near Setiu, with a nice view to shoot.. :)
time kasih bnyk sudi komen kat blog kawe..gitu la harap nya...demo ni minat g round2 amik gambar ko..??kalu harga standard d40 bapa eh..??demo tau x..time kasih..
How I wish I can take so many nice pictures like you. Being tied with work and house chores make the wish fulfill only during holidays..Penarik is where exactly?
agree with u FJL..i'm also doing this at weekend holidays with my family only..i'm just doing it alone and never do some outing with others because of my busy work...
...actually Penarik one of 'fisherman village' near Setiu, with a nice view to shoot.. :)
#1 reflection lawa! :)
thanks atahsaat :)
pakai lense ape bro?
kit lense jer KN..d60 susah ah nak cr lense....
hahaha semat2 :o
pro nih..
gambar yg ketiga ni paling lawa!!!! huhu tringin nk snap gmbr daaapat reflect cmtu. HDR ke bro?
thanks bro...time nih weather cerah..reflect jelas sket masa tu...HDR bro...:)
time kasih bnyk sudi komen kat blog kawe..gitu la harap nya...demo ni minat g round2 amik gambar ko..??kalu harga standard d40 bapa eh..??demo tau x..time kasih..
round2 jauh tu xdok lah...cuma kawe raso btuah sbb duduk ditempat yg byk view lawa...
psl harga d40 xtau la kawe..cuma kawe paka d60 pun loni latest price bleh dpt dlm rm 2k jah...
demo dok mna..??kelate ko ganu..??
kawe duk tengah2...besut hehe...
la,ore besut..x po...blh masuk..sep kito blako..haha..klu kawe nk thu pasal fotografi, kawe tnya demo, buleh k boh...huhu
haha...xdok hal..kita share2 la..kawe amatur jah...banyok belajar ngan saing2 di internet n baca manual,xdok kelas formal pun hehehe....
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